ALEC Submission Form


If you would like to add an inlay model, retailer, or tagging location to a previous approval, please use this link.

Submit one UPC per Submission Form. Not all UPCs supplied by a supplier requires a validation, select one representative UPC (SKU) per:

1. Product Supplier

2. Brand

3. Packaging Type

4. RFID Packaging Provider

5. Tagging Location

If anything from 1-5 changes for any item, please submit that item in a new submission form.

Please note that this submission will not be processed and will fail automatically if any information is incorrect, incomplete, or not provided. This includes a correct/complete item file and tagging location photos. This submission process will have to be restarted if the validation fails which includes submitting a new form and shipping new samples.

Click here for a submission guide

Retailer is invalid
Vendor ID is invalid
Please include photos/videos showing the tagging location of the RFID tag on the product. Please make sure that the tag, product, and EPC logo can be clearly seen. Please download [LINK] and use the photo guideline to provide the photos. Please upload as a jpg file.

Please ship five RFID tags per inlay of the same GTIN and a printed copy of the PDF that will be sent when the form is submitted to the Auburn RFID Lab for approval. If you are sending more than one submission in a shipping package, please divide each submission(RFID samples and confirmation PDF) into folders within the package. Each folder within the package should only contain one submission.

Please send your submission to the following address:

Auburn University RFID Lab

Attn: ALEC Supplier Validation

1550 E Glenn Ave

Auburn, AL 36849

Phone: (334)-844-7513

Contact Name: ALEC Supplier Validation

Please note that this submission will not be processed and will fail automatically if any information is incorrect, incomplete, or not provided. This includes a correct/complete item file and tagging location photos. This submission process will have to be restarted if the validation fails which includes submitting a new form and shipping new samples.